Book Series Review : The Shepherd King (One Dark Window & Two Twisted Crowns) by Rachel Gillig

I have taken interest with this series for ages but I have my doubt because this series has “Horror” tag and I am not that fond of horror books (even though I love thriller).

So, my consideration include :

  1. Will there be romance?
  2. Are they going to have paranormal beings into the book? because I am not fond of horror and paranormal books.

But I keep coming back to this series because I am intrigued by many positive reviews and because I can’t think of anything to read, I ended up choosing this as my next read!

1. One Dark Window (The Shepherd King #1) by Rachel Gillig

Genre : Fantasy, Romance, Gothic, Horror
Page : 399 pages
Published : 27th September 2022

— Blurb —

Elspeth needs a monster. The monster might be her.

Elspeth Spindle needs more than luck to stay safe in the eerie, mist-locked kingdom of Blunder—she needs a monster. She calls him the Nightmare, an ancient, mercurial spirit trapped in her head. He protects her. He keeps her secrets.

But nothing comes for free, especially magic.

When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, her life takes a drastic turn. Thrust into a world of shadow and deception, she joins a dangerous quest to cure Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. And the highwayman? He just so happens to be the King’s nephew, Captain of the most dangerous men in Blunder…and guilty of high treason.

Together they must gather twelve Providence Cards—the keys to the cure. But as the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.

— Mini Review —

“Nothing is free. Nothing is safe. Magic is love, but also, it’s hate. It comes at a cost. You’re found, and you’re lost. Magic is love, but also, it’s hate.”

Reading this book is the best choice I’ve made in these last three days.

Who would have thought this book side effects will be : losing sleep, neglecting responsibilities, anxious morning (my mind keep going back to the book) and blackened eyes?

This book is seriously a good therapy for me because I’ve been having two weeks book slump and this book miraculously hype me up to love reading again.

Elspeth Spindle has a monster trapped inside her mind that ended up protecting her from the mysterious and eerie mist-locked kingdom of Blunder.

I love Elspeth and I just think she is such a lovely character in this eerie tales of Blunder. I also love Elspeth background. Her life has a slight ‘Cinderella’ touch to it with how her family treats Elspeth differently from her step-sisters (especially her step-mom).

And I just love the whole eerie ambiance this book has. From Elspeth’s trapped monster to the mysterious misty and horror kingdom of Blunder. I truly felt the dark ambiance but it doesn’t cease my interest to read, instead, this eerie world building just makes me feel more attached with the book and makes me read ferociously fast.

Aside from Elspeth and the horror of the kingdom, I truly love the premises. I love how The King decreed that infectious people should be wipe out and we have ‘Destriers’ to take care of the infectious people. So, here comes our favorite male lead character Ravyn Yew as our Destries Captain tasked to hunt down infectious or magic users.

I love Ravyn Yew as Captain of Destries. He is dashing and knightly and is such a sweetheart to Elspeth. I’m surprised this book contains romance and even though the romance is predictable, I am still all in for it.

Aside from the plot, the dark ambiance, the characters, the dark magic and the dynamic of all the aspects, I love how engaging the writing is. I just can’t stop reading. Although the story is pretty slow burn, weirdly it doesn’t impact the enchanting plot and I just truly enjoy reading the book.

The last several chapters are enough for me to rate another star to the book and for me to keep praying for a happy ending.

2. Two Twisted Crowns (The Shepherd King, #2) by Rachel Gillig

Genre : Fantasy, Romance, Gothic, Horror
Page : 437 pages
Published : 17th October 2023

— No Blurb This Time —

This is to prevent those who have not yet read the series to avoid spoilers ⁠♡

— Mini Review —

“To anyone who’s ever felt lost in a wood. There is a
strange sort of finding in losing.”

Who would have guess even the sequel is this good?!

The story continue right after the first book (One Dark Window). Only this time, there are much more POVs to explore.

I am the type of reader that is not fond of too much POVs but I am quite alright with how the way it goes here! Remembering these extra POVs present such a unique character and I am fond with them.

Although as much as I love this extra POVs, sometimes I missed Ravyn and Elspeth moment because the new POVs kind of have their own story to tell. So it’s like reading two stories in one book.

However I have complicated feelings with this new POVs. As much as I love reading this new POVs, sometimes I still prefer to read Ravyn and Elspeth story more. In the beginning of this new POVs, I am super excited that we got to read this fascinating character point of view and his own legacy but upon half of the story, the love interest in this new POV’s kind of irks me a little bit (although I highly want them to be the end game)

So you see, it’s like love and hate relationship for me to this new POVs. I think it’s because I find the characterization of this love interest is kind of complicated too. She has 360 degree character development which made her cold, unapproachable, unfeeling and such. Well I love her perfect and imperfection, it’s just being hard hearted doesn’t make one character immediately appear into the spotlight.

But again, I fully understand with why this two characters become the way they’re, so maybe it’s just my own issues. As I said, I have complicated feelings regarding this new POVs.

However, let me make it clear that I love the progress with this new POVs and this new POVs make this book much more interesting and made quite the impression. This book won’t be this good without this new POVs. I highly enjoy the progress and development. (Although, again, I wish for more Ravyn and Elspeth moment)

And please, the last 1/4 part of the book! It is so dang good, pacey and just nerve wrecking. The writing in the book has already been engaging, so imagine how fast I read when I am into this last 1/4 part of the book!


My Thoughts About This Series

I didn’t expect that I could end up loving this series quite a lot.

Ravyn Yew really set the standards and even after days finishing the book, Ravyn Yew is still fresh in my mind.

I love the whole premises of the book. It has this dark and eerie premises that could be felt for both series. I also love the concept of dark magic, infection and also, Elspeth and Nightmare connection.

The connection is cursed and yet as time goes, I feel myself attached to it and find the communication between Elspeth and Nightmare endearing. I also love the upbringing of past mistakes, cause and effect of the actions that made an impact until present timeline.

I love the balance of the good and the bad. I also love the characters and their development. The characters are written so eloquently and are so easy to love. Even evil characters made quite the impression on me.

Also, what I don’t expect, is this series include romance into this mixture of chaos. To be exact, two romance story for two books. It is a nice touch and I love it a lot.

What made this series different, is they have different characters spotlight between One Dark Window and Two Twisted Crowns. Both books have romance with different couples as the main spotlight. I did not say the second romance is bad, it’s just I wish to see much more main male lead and female lead (Ravyn and Elspeth) romance in the second book because I missed their interaction. And because I think this series is supposed to be about them, not the second lead.

But again, both books are good, with the story, the ambiance, the conflict and the romance. I understand why there should be the way it is with the second book but I just hope the book is focusing much more on Elspeth and Ravyn.

The whole series is so dark and yet it is magical at the same time. I feel overwhelmed reading the series and be it main lead couple or second lead couple, I ended up loving them. I highly recommend any readers out there to read this series.

Author : Celine

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